1. Log in to your Website Admin (click here to learn how).
2. Right-click on the page you would like to edit, and click Edit Page
*NOTE: The first page you see, often your name, is your homepage.
3. Click on the Settings tab
4. You can edit your title tag & meta description here:
The Page title field will change this page's title tag. The Description field will change this page's meta description.
(scroll further down this page for more info on title tag & meta description)
5. Always be sure to click Save and Publish to save your changes and push them live to your site.
A title tag is the title of your website or webpage. This is what you see above the URL when you search for a website. The recommended character limit for a title tag is between 50-60 characters.
A meta description is the summary of a website or webpage. This is what you see below the URL when you search for a website. The recommended character limit for a meta description is 160 characters.