Available to all Premium customers. Contact support@fourwallsdigital.com to upgrade your account.


Enhancing your listing is the best way to promote your listing online. With an Enhanced Listing you can:

  1. Uniquely showcase your listing,
  2. Rank higher in Google, and
  3. Easily share your listing on social media


Watch this quick video to learn more and then read on for more detailed instructions.

Note: We automatically email you when your listing is loaded. You'll find a magic link in that email that will take you directly to the Enhance Listing form. If you are using that magic link you can skip step #1 & #2.

  1. Click here and log into the Fourwalls backend
  2. Find your listing and click the Enhance button
  3. Complete the form by adding all your listing information.

    TIP: Add as much much unique content as you can to improve your SEO ranking

  4. Click Save


Is the Enhanced Listing automatically created for me?

The enhanced listing allows you to add curated content to your listing without having to automatically load the entire listing yourself. We automatically load as much of the listing information that we can from the various board listing feeds so that you're never repeating yourself and entering the same data twice.